No 5 Nambeke Street, Half Mile Limbe Cameroon
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ADCCUL African Diaspora Cooperative Credit Union by a group of cooperators who recognized the need for a locally created and managed financial institution capable of mobilizing and channeling indigenous financial resources in the form of loans and addressing other specific needs of its members through the appropriation and effective implementation of cooperative principles and values with the overall aim of contributing to poverty alleviation and socio-economic development.

Download Our ByLaws/  Download how our funds are constituted


The African Diaspora Cooperative Credit Union League (ADCCUL) is dedicated to promoting financial inclusion and empowerment through sustainable microfinance initiatives. We strive to provide efficient, transparent, and accountable services, free from exorbitant fees, to bridge the gap between the African diaspora and opportunities on the African continent.


Our vision is to be a leading catalyst for economic development and social progress in Africa, by connecting the diaspora to transformative opportunities and fostering a culture of integrity, efficiency, and accountability in financial services.

Our Objectives

Promote Savings: Encourage members to save regularly by offering various investment opportunities.

Provide Financial Access: Offer loans to members for personal, business, or other financial needs.

Foster Economic and Social Well-being: Support the financial and social progress of members.

Financial Literacy: Educate members on sound financial practices to improve their financial well-being.

Comprehensive Financial Services: Provide a range of financial services, including savings, loans, and other value-added services.

Additional Services: Offer additional services like online services, checking accounts, and expedient money transfer to enhance member benefits.

If You Have Any point of concern, Please Contact Us