Membership is open to all persons, both foreign and domestic, without discrimination. Any physical or moral person who applies and fulfills membership conditions shall be admitted as a member.
1) Have the common bond (exercising savings and loans amongst members);
2) Be of sound mind.
3) Be of good conduct.
4) Not be directly or indirectly engaged in activities that conflict or are in competition with those of the Credit Union as defined in the internal regulations and other texts regulating its activities.
5) If a physical person, must have attained 21 years, provided always that an adult person can operate an account for a minor.
6) In the case of a moral person, must submit current documents pertaining to the business or entity or Association as shall be specified in the Internal regulations with a designated person as representative.
7) Abide by the Credit Union byelaws and policies in force;
8) Be solvent
9) Not have been blacklisted by any Credit Union or any other financial institution.
Please complete this form to the best of your ability providing all relevant details. Please note that your application will go through confirmation prior to processing. You will receive a confirmation email after submission. You must confirm your application within 24 hours otherwise your request will be discarded.
The member is jointly and severally liable in respect of debts incurred by the Cooperative before his/her withdrawal in accordance with the law.
Members of this Credit Union shall enjoy the rights and be subjected to the obligations hereunder:
Members shall enjoy the following rights:
1) To participate in decision making
2) To vote and be voted after fulfilling the eligibility conditions.
3) To make use and benefit from services rendered by the Credit Union.
4) To be informed on issues affecting the Credit Union.
5) To withdraw from the Credit Union after fulfilling the conditions for withdrawal.
6) To be educated on Credit Union activities.
7) To have access to the Credit Union documents at its head office under the conditions defined by the internal regulations and other texts regulating its activities.
8) To benefit from the Internal Protection Scheme and other products developed for use in the CamCCUL network.
9) Other Rights defined from time to time by the Network and endorsed by the Credit Union that shall be incorporated in the Internal Regulation.
Members of the Credit Union are obliged:
1) To attend meetings in person or online and take part in decision making.
2) To show good cooperative spirit, inform non-members and encourage them to join the Credit Union.
3) To objectively and responsibly bring out problems affecting the Credit Union and look for solutions.
4) To participate in Credit Union projects both physically and financially.
5) To attend educational meetings and seminars organized by the Credit Union or CamCCUL;
6) To comply with these Byelaws and all other laws regulating the activities of the Credit Union movement.
7) To repay any loan(s) contracted with accompanying interest and charges promptly.
8) To be in good standing with the credit union in order to enjoy full rights.
9) Other Rights defined from time to time by the Network and endorsed by the Credit Union that shall be incorporated in the Internal Regulation.